Teme WHO FAVORS CHINESE COMPANIES: Watch the first part of the video series The Chinese Way – Belt Around Bosnia and Hezegovina 04.09.2024.
Teme The Government of Republika Srpska gave “Termag” a parking lot for 2,000 KM, and they offered it to the “Jahorina” Olympic Center for 50,000 KM 20.04.2023.
Teme THE CHINESE CONQUER RS: The government bought and sold land to a Chinese company over which they will build a new highway 14.04.2023.
Teme Pale: 450,000 KM to the coalition partners for the construction of the water supply system, the locals are still without water 13.01.2023.
TRAŽIMO OD TUŽILAŠTVA BiH: Istražite kako su Dodiku bliske firme dobile ugovore vrijedne 541.325.485 KM
TRAŽIMO OD TUŽILAŠTVA BiH: Istražite kako su Dodiku bliske firme dobile ugovore vrijedne 541.325.485 KM