Teme Is there any crime in the construction of the highway near Zenica: Exploding costs for the section Vranduk – Ponirak! 16.08.2022.
Teme Ima li kriminala u gradnji autoputa kod Zenice: Eksplozija troškova za dionicu Vranduk – Ponirak! 13.08.2022.
Teme Four years for one tender on the Vc corridor through Herzegovina, and the Chinese slowly take the highway to the largest wind farm in BiH 07.06.2022.
Teme Četiri godine za jedan tender na koridoru Vc kroz Hercegovinu, a Kinezi autoputem lagano do najvećeg vjetroparka u BiH 06.06.2022.
Akcija Amna Popovac: While We Want to Go to Europe, They Are Building the Highway Through Bell Peppers, With European Money 07.09.2021.
Akcija Amna Popovac: Dok mi hoćemo u Evropu, oni za evropske pare protjeruju autoput kroz paprike 06.09.2021.