Zlatko Dizdarević: A Tale of Two Thieves

ustav bih2

I remembered these days, obviously not by chance, a joke from the old days that use to be told as an illustration of the mentality of ‘Suljo and Mujo’, after all, in accordance with the then benevolent jokes, back when we honoured each other. Today’s reminder is of other occasions, less funny, unfortunately.

Anywho, the joke goes about about how Suljo and Mujo decided to rob a bank. It came to them one day, as they had no other choice. It is not fair, but what can be done and what must be done, is not difficult. They thought of everything nicely and then broke in where they should and when they should. They broke the safe, and found two large bags in the safe. And as they were just about to peek into the sacks, when from a distance a police siren was heard. Some guy snitched. They panicked, one grabbed one bag, the other the second, and they ran. In the previous elaboration of tactics, they agreed to flee each to their own side, if necessary, to deceive the search as it should be. So it was. And they ran away.

A few years passed and the two of them found each other. Suljo asked Mujo:

– Good God. Mujo, what was in that bag of yours?

– One million marks!

– Congratulations, so what did you do with so much money?

– You know how it is, I have repaid some debts, gave some to my wife Fata and the children to get dressed and buy something nice, decorated my house and opened a čevabdžinica. It’s good, thank God, says Mujo. So what was in your bag?

– You won’t believe, my dear Mujo. A bag full of some papers, bills of exchange, receipts and a heap of some other people’s bills…

– So what did you do with it?

– And what else could I do. I pay those bills as much as I can.

What is a joke, and what is a day in real life

That’s what the joke says, and since no one in Bosnia knows what a joke is and what a real everyday life and drama in which ‘Suljo and Mujo’ are less and less former friends and more and more casual passers-by, depending on who has coped over the past thirty years, to whom one-sided, which ‘line’ he opted for – the story continues, which is not a joke. Some, collectively, spend other people’s money, jointly produced and acquired long ago, others, unfilled, pay the debts that are transferred to their backs and their entire life bills.

In the general hysteria of the new times, in which some have already picked up and put in their pockets most of the former, common goods, and others have been left without a minimum of what they have built their whole lives into. Completely different perceptions and different interests have been formed. They were the first to realize that they must stay at all costs in the ‘new houses’ and in the seized government in which judges and police officers and tax collectors and journalists are at their disposal. And that they must be together with the former friends forever, for the sake of security. Group, party, collective. Nothing individual or different. It is important to have someone guard your back.

Those others who pay other people’s bills did not understand this logic that way. They mostly joined the first ones in the hope that they would solve their troubles together with them. You can’t do that with a cocoon, but with someone who has and knows how to become one. And especially, it must not be separated because they are all ‘ours’. It’s the same with ‘Suljo and Mujo’ and ‘Petar and Savo’ and ‘Hrvoje and Ante…’ Only in groups, together. Stick to your own people.

The new collectivism, little by little, ate the individual and the individuality, its independent thinking and every specificity, different memories. Jumping out of ‘origin’, our court, roots, class, and interests based on it has created and created a tribe in which the individual and the memory of his name are not important and fade. Even his individual interests, first irrelevant over time, become strange, then dangerous. ‘Alignment’ into obedience becomes a model of thinking and commitment. This is followed by economic and existential blackmail in general, and only a step further – motivational stiltedness for anything other than what the rule prescribed by the tribe. From that perspective, the space for sentiment towards the other and the different has been annulled. It took time, but three decades in history is nothing.

Who doesn’t like it – goodbye!

The circle of those in the new ‘collectives’ who immediately after the war recognized safes with real bags in the story of privatization, with the angry intention of defending the contents of those bags and riveting a philosophy that will celebrate them as wise leaders, came up with additional wisdom: And the persistent imposition of the group as the meaning of everything and not the individual and his identity, interests and knowledge that will – with their own will and specific goals – unite with others, regardless of the tribe and tribal leaders whose motives have long since separated from those they rule. Here, let someone remember the individual needs and dramas in society today, apart from the capitalization of the nation, ethnos, group, religion, ‘roots…’ Without that, votes are not obtained.

The whole story here has moved from the area of that joke to the area of reality. Everything that preoccupies us from the war until today, step by step, has been cultivated and is cultivated as a divided collectivism, as a higher interest in fictional or real ‘genetics’, anyway, and only from those derived rights. We need to return to them and protect them because ‘they are attacking us and want to kidnap us’. On that, here, new ones are established, ‘our systems of value “derived exclusively from the blood cells of the collective. And they, it is known, are not of the same colour.

It is terrible how much this logic has confused the mind, taken away the power of one’s own thinking and elementary interest logic of an individual who is part of the collective, but not to crush the individual, but to unite his common interests with other individuals and their individuality.

Too long this story started with a joke with two bags. And these days – quite routinely and without any surprises – it was recognized in a passing, small event with the National Assembly of Republika Srpska and their vote on the new ‘Law on Medicines and Medical Devices’ which seeks to repeal the law on this valid for the whole of Bosnia and Herzegovina. And actually, cover up the crime of the owner of that first bag from the joke. On which occasion, the member of that assembly, Jelena Trivić, desperately exclaimed: ‘People, this is a red line, this is not stolen money, this is a threat to one’s own people…’ As it is in a way that is disgusting by directly destroying the whole system of elementary defence of health to those who are the owners of another bag from which they have been paying other people’s bills for three decades…

Complete Euthanasia

The story of our reality in a closed circle from the theft of common treasures and the destruction of the common society that created those treasures, to the complete euthanasia of those who were stolen and raise their hands to confirm that they admit it, crossing the ‘red line’ as Jelena Trivić rightly said, there is only one more episode. Incidental, expected and miserable. Again, primarily for those euthanized: On the occasion of the whole story, suddenly ‘High Representative’ Christian Schmidt emerged from the darkness with a capital statement that, unfortunately, elicited a sour smile from the benevolent and already tired, and those who still have the nerve to get rid of all this they deal in an elemental human way – a slight disgust.

The supervisor in charge of order in the NSRS and obedient lifters of hand for order and justice in BiH is telling the proponents of the Law: Violate the Constitution! The Agency for Medicines and Medical Devices of BiH is the only authorized institution … and I call on each individual representative in the National Assembly of the RS to respect its obligations in accordance with the Constitution… ‘I call, I order…

As another leader, a charitable one, who calms down the nervous about all current events, would say – Yes, and…?