Teme The Government of Republika Srpska gave “Termag” a parking lot for 2,000 KM, and they offered it to the “Jahorina” Olympic Center for 50,000 KM 20.04.2023.
Teme The mayor of the municipality of Pale transferred million KM from the OC “Jahorina” – outside the law and to the detriment of the citizens 20.01.2022.
TRAŽIMO OD TUŽILAŠTVA BiH: Istražite kako su Dodiku bliske firme dobile ugovore vrijedne 541.325.485 KM
TRAŽIMO OD TUŽILAŠTVA BiH: Istražite kako su Dodiku bliske firme dobile ugovore vrijedne 541.325.485 KM